This is a guide that will lead you through the steps to access our project information at SourceForge.
First of all, you should register as a new new user on SourceForge. Just go to and register from there.After this, you should contact our project administrator to add you to our project developers if you want to access our CVS repository.
SSH is a secure mechanism for connecting to SourceForge's Server. It is just like telnet but provide a secure connection.Click here to download SSH.
CVS is the version control system used on SourceForge. This is where our source code of our project is stored. You use a CVS client on your end to communicate with the CVS server (the repository) on the SourceForge end. Click here to download CVS.
Once you have all the files you're ready to setup your environment to connect to SourceForge. There's only a few things that need to be done, but it's important you do them or else your connection will probably not work.
1. You'll need to unzip the SSH distribution files either to a directory already in your path or create a new path and add it to your PATH enviornmental variable. For example, if you put them in C:\usr\bin then change your PATH to PATH C:\usr\bin;%PATH%.
For Windows users, you need to go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environmental Variable to change or add environmental variable information.
2. You'll need a "home" directory where SSH and other software will store settings for you. This can be anywhere but remember to add an environmental variable like this: HOME=C:\home (or wherever you want your home directory to be).
3. You need to create an \etc directory on the same drive you set your HOME directory to. In the example above, create a directory on drive C: called etc.
4. Create a text file in this new directory called 'passwd'. The file should have one line in it that looks something like this:
bsimser:x:1:10:Simser, Bil:d:/home:c:/windows/
Each entry is separated by a colon (":"). The first entry is your SourceForge username. Make sure it's all in lower case. Don't worry about the next 4 entries. The 7th entry is the path to your HOME directory you setup in step 2. This can include a drive letter but remember to use the "/" character instead of the old DOS "\". The next entry points to your command interpreter ( on Windows 95/98, cmd.exe on Windows NT). This isn't used but you need an entry here.
5. Restart your system so your environmental variables and path can be updated.
6. You're ready to test your connection to SourceForge. From a DOS prompt enter the following command:
ssh -l
If you downloaded SSH version 2, you need to type ssh2 instead of ssh on the command line.
7. Enter your password at the prompt. Congratulations! You should now be logged into SourceForge through SSH.
We assume that you use a command line version of CVS>
1.Unpack the command line version (cvs.exe),you can put it in the same directory as SSH for convenience.
2.Add the following environmental variables.
SET HOME=\home
SET CVS_RSH=ssh (ssh2 if you use version 2)
Change the context to your own SourceForge username and the HOME and HOMEPATH variables to the ones you used in the SSH setup.
3.Connect to Sourceforge Shell first to create your diretory for CVS. The command should be in one line.
Although the connection will be closed right after login, your directory is created.
4. Now you can use cvs to access our cvs repository. To checkout a copy the the latest source code, use this command(in one line):
cvs checkout DCNToolkit2
After the initial checkout, you can change into this directory and execute cvs commands without the -d option. For example:
cvs update
cvs commit -m "comments for this commit"
cvs add myfile.c
CVS may take some time to be comfortable with. The manual for CVS can be found here: can also find a 180-page CVS book online.